Thomas Brunelle |
In 2018, student loan debt in the U.S. reached $1.5 trillion. With a continued increase in college tuition, it's likely that even more young adults will be turning to loans in order to finance their education. With the average student loan debt coming in at around $38,000, it's important to have a plan in place to pay off those loans once you enter the workforce. If you've left school with student loan debt, here are...
Thomas Brunelle |
Being financially literate in today’s economic climate is more important than ever. Understanding finances can help you make better money management decisions, budget your money properly, adequately save for college, and be financially prepared for retirement. While it may sound daunting, financial literacy starts with a budget. Today, only one third of Americans have a budget that they actively use when making financial decisions, although 75% of Americans believe you should have a budget. With...
Thomas Brunelle |
As of December 2018, more than 43.7 million retired Americans collected Social Security, with more than 8 million disabled workers collecting benefits as well. But Social Security is much more than retirement income. Along with providing a small income to millions of seniors, Social Security also provides life insurance as well as survivor benefits. If you’re nearing retirement age and still have a lot of questions about Social Security, here are a few facts for...
Thomas Brunelle |
While it may be prudent to use a financial professional when you start your investment journey, there are a lot of things you can do before you ever speak to a financial professional. Investing, like everything else in life, has no guarantees, and even the hottest stock or the best tip may not always perform the way we would like. Keeping that in mind, here are a few things you can do (or not do)...
Thomas Brunelle |
Investing is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes guts to stick to your plan and avoid selling into a bad market. “Buy low, sell high” seems easy enough to master. Many investors fail to follow this advice including DIYers and professional advisors alike. There are ways to avoid the pitfalls of emotional investing — here’s a collection of a few to remember. Establish long-term goals If you are glued to the market report and...
Thomas Brunelle |
The digital world has transformed professional industries in unique ways that prior to internet access would have been impossible. Doctors can monitor patients remotely, lawyers can offer counsel online, software can complete your taxes for you, and even financial investments and advertisements can be made without any face-to-face contact. To some this would sound ludicrous and to others it sounds convenient, but one thing is for certain—the robo-advisor is another option that’s here to stay...
4 Reasons You May Consider Keeping It When it comes to retaining life insurance in retirement, there are two schools of thought regarding its necessity. The primary purpose of life insurance is to protect your family against a loss of income should you or your spouse pass away. Life insurance benefits are especially important for individuals who still have dependents or have accrued a significant amount of debt. So, if you don’t fit this description...
It’s daunting to think about the day when you may not be able to live independently and care for yourself. But planning early for long-term care can keep you from becoming overwhelmed in the event that you develop a chronic illness, disability or other condition. By planning your care now, you’ll be more likely to have greater control over significant decisions and remain comfortable as you get older. Here are some ways that you can...
Thomas Brunelle |
The goal for your saving plan is up to you. Some people enjoy travel or the latest electronics. Others may save for school or a home purchase. While there are a thousand ways to spend your money, there’s only one way to save it — stick to the plan. Specific goals are important, so be sure to define your goal. Once you know how much you need to save, it’s a lot easier to put...
Proper financial planning should always be a focus, but for those who are dealing with a physically ill spouse or loved one, it is crucial. There are several financial considerations that you will need to ponder, and naturally, these will not work with every situation, and chatting with a professional financial planner is one place to start. Cash Flow If your spouse or loved one is still in the workforce, you may be able to...
The Coronavirus pandemic has affected us all in ways that we didn’t anticipate at the start of the year, especially when it comes to our finances. And unfortunately, just as federal emergency benefits are starting to run out, signs of a second wave of the virus are looming—and some may even say it’s already here. The good news is that there are ways to protect your finances in the event of a second wave of...
Thomas Brunelle |
There are over 30 million small businesses in the United States. Many people start their own businesses in order to become their own boss and take control over their schedules, career goals and finances. It can be incredibly rewarding to start and own a successful small business. But one thing that many small business owners may not think about is a retirement plan. As a business owner, you may assume that family members will take...